Wednesday 2 March 2011

Working on site at Ecobuild

I have found this project thoroughly rewarding it's been great to see a design move into something real in a matter of weeks. Working with the willow has been interesting and is a technique I may wish to persue - it's so easy and it's clean.

Being on site at Ecobuild has not only been a great experience in terms of building our own structure, but also in seeing how there types of shows operate from behind the scenes. Although this has made me slightly sceptical about the eco - part. The majority of these firms have come in using brand new, materials without thinking about their eco - friendliness - which is slightly ironic seeing as they are marketing themselves as eco firms.

The last few days when the whole structure began to come together were really good - a lot less panic - although by then most of us were too exhausted to panic I think. This build has by far been one of the best things I've had the chance to do at Chelsea - it's a shame there haven't been more projects like this - it was great to get the whole platform involved and you could tell everyone enjoyed it as a really good rapor developed amongst us. There are many photos of the process on our other blog (I sort of abandoned this for that the past few weeks)

Here are some photos taken by some of my friends, that relate more to me and my experience rather than publicity shoots which is sort of what i feel the other blog i'm doing shows.

Me plaiting the willow with Anton.

First test; outside on the parade ground - we realised the arches definitely needed twisting to gain strength. It was a good end to the week. 

Moving the structure - we did a lot of this, a least we know it's portable. 

Saturday Lunchtime!

I seem to have spent a lot of time on ladders in the past few weeks  - here I'm trying to weave the speedo into the arches. 

The knitting appears!!!!

It looks really beautiful from inside under the canopy. 

The graphics appeared on monday morning - started to look professional. 

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