Wednesday 9 March 2011

Writing my own brief for 3b

Initial Draft

This was an interesting exercise as it made me think about how I want to approach my project. I actually found this really hard without having any feedback from 3A, I wasn't sure if I should keep pushing the same idea or do something new. Then after reading through some old briefs I remembered just how vague some of them are, so I defined an outline of what I want o achieve whilst leaving the specifics open. (the best I could do with no feedback). 

Initial Draft. 

I aim to develop a resolution for my proposal which looks at different elements. The form which my resolution takes will need to be carefully investigated but also the materials which could be used to create it. Furthermore an understanding of how humans will interact with the space will be an important aspect also. 

Taking elements seen at Ecobuild and applying them to my design, really investigating material qualities;
-        Using the workshop to experiment here. It would be nice to create models which really depict an element of design, whilst testing ideas simultaneously. Here using models as part of the design process I would be picking up the ethos of the platform.

-        Through test models develop scenarios which could be applied at a larger scale, and to represent this a dialogue between models, design and drawing will need to develop. Drawings need to be pushed to really express feelings and environments.

The form is likely to derive from layering information and translating this into design. This was my proposal at the end of 3A. Investigating the forgotten spaces – the spaces a human uses with a petrol station, and translating these into a design. This will allow me to create a new environment within an area already associated with a particular use, drawing on the past to create a new commentary for the space. And hopefully this will encourage new use of the space.
‘space was rewoven, dismantled and reconnected and subjected to technologies’  Esther Leslie.

Carlo Scarpa, Santa Caterina Complex
‘there is the continual enlargement of the range of materials Scarpa used in his compositions, to the point incorporating anomalous events and abstract sensations in them. In his museum interiors, for instance, his designs unfold their commentary around the historical objects, themselves intended, moreover, to become part of the substance of the composition.’ Francesco Del Co and Giuseppe Mazzarioi.

Looking at interventions and the idea of finding them, the idea of something tangible making visible the invisible or forgotten elements from the site.

How people will interact with the new environment I will be creating will also need to be considered. I would like to look at interactive design and push the idea of a structure which could be moulded by the inhabitant. For instance aspects which could be moved to reveal further areas is something I have considered in 3A.

Drawing on my research and initial ideas for 3A I would like to develop a design relatively quickly so that I allow myself time to depict it clearly. I want my work to tell the story of how it would feel as a pedestrian to experience the area. I think it is important to allow enough time to fully explore and illustrate my final proposal so that the project can easily be read. 

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