Saturday 26 February 2011

Peckham news and ecobuild.

It's been an incredibly busy week, but lots of exciting things have happened. I had the meeting with the council in Peckham, they really liked the design, but there is still loads to do. They explained the outline of the process we need to follow and said t would be great to get this up in time for the sumer art gallery in the car park and I totally agree. 

First we need to gather a focus group, they suggested approaching a variety of groups within Peckham; from young people through charities and Peckham space to the police streets, Peckham vision team and the council. Peckham Space is supposed to have links to UAL so I am trying to investigate this through Chelsea. The focus group is the first step, as they said it will give our project more power if it has backing from the local community and authorities which totally makes sense.\

I found the whole meeting experience great to find people within the council who were actually excited about public art ( I wasn't sure they existed). There are so many groups and links out there that they made us aware of which is great, hopefully some of them will help to support us through this project. 

Our enormous lorry and its measly contents at ecobuild. 

Second development is the ecobuild structure - see blog - it's confusing writing 2 blogs at the moment. Yesterday was a huge development for this project as the components were delivered to site and we got to see the real site. It's really exciting to see an exhibition hall pretty much empty - I've only ever been into these places when they are packed with trade-stands and people. It looks quite daunting at the moment and there was not much action on site yesterday so I expect today will be much more busy. Currently there are builders, cranes and power tolls on site - I think it's great that we ( a bunch of students) are working alongside them creating a structure without the use of tools, thats the amazing thing about this whole project the low technology design that looks really beautiful. 

The view from our pavilion on Friday. 

The second tunnel goes up!

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