Wednesday 9 March 2011

Alexia Goethe Gallery - Jacques Villegle, Trajectoire Urbaine.

I visited several of the Mayfair Galleries as part of my research - I love that they are all so close together yet each very much has it's own identity. I had never been to the Alexia Goethe Gallery and was drawn in by the bold exhibition currently on. 

This was the flyer I picked up. This work particularly caught my eye in the context of the brief I have just written. Its bold graphics and juxtaposed images are composed from found materials, therefore speaking about whats in cities for us to view, and then he changes the view by decollaging them. Something similar to what I want to do take something you see everyday (the petrol station) and layer another aspect of the city into it.

This work caught my eye because it relates to that language of motoring graphics which bombard you, the way he has composed these, layering up posters that are part of everyday life reinforces that idea of being bombarded by consumerism.

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