Wednesday 2 February 2011

new direction

Since receiving the brief for this project about designing a pavilion I have been struggling to come up with a design, proving to me that most commonly form derives from function. To design a functionless 'thing' is incredibly hard - I started to think about installation design but then realised these have functions too - much like interventions.  After struggling with this obstacle for months and finally discussing it with Joy I realised I need to think of a function for the space - exactly what I have been trying not to do all project.

Joy suggested trying to combine a new idea or interest with my research into forms and materials. Pretty much immediately I had a direction - I only wish I had this conversation months ago. I  am interested in interventions and reinventing spaces to heighten the experience of the modern day flanneur  (my thesis in a nutshell). Through my site research and observations I have noticed a lot of creative people passing my site and also many children. So this led me to think about some type of exhibition space. It's strange as one of the first things I thought when I jumped over the fence is that it would be a great place for skateboarders - it's already noisy so they wouldn't be disturbing anyone.

I like the idea of creating hanging screens which could be used to show work or direct people. I think the manipulation of routes through the space could be interesting to investigate
quick concept sketch. 

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