Wednesday 2 February 2011

Trip to the top of the Gherkin

Today I was lucky enough to attend a breakfast at the top of the Gherkin, and I took a little detour to the very top and it was completely empty - perfect, maybe this had something to do with the fact it was 7.30 am.  The structure is so powerful up close and the finish and use of materials is very crisp, the structure was reflected on the floor surface which I loved.

 Unfortunately it was quite foggy, although as the sun began to break through I got some great photos that look almost  post apocalyptic. The structure provides an excellent frame for the surroundings also.
Another thing I enjoyed was being opposite the 'half built' shard, I love watching buildings as they are being constructed and I could get an excellent view. 

When I was looking out over the city I couldn't help but think about the great timing and the relationship this building has to my project. The way the structure of the Gherkin can be seen to both frame and interrupt your view is something I have been trying to explore albeit with more malleable materials. This use of a simple pattern has worked fantastically both for the interior views and the exterior structure of the strangely shaped London landmark.

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