Thursday 10 February 2011

For me the association with petrol stations and creating something drive- through are too obvious, additionally my design work is about creating a better experience for the pedestrian therefore I propose a walk-through space. When I say walk-through I start thinking something you experience without stopping could be interesting.

This is an installation at Chicago airport that you travel through on a conveyer belt walkway. 

Whilst this project looks interesting I don't think I want my structure to move itself, I think if it can become a space which guides you to move through it that would allow different conditions to be created. Currently I am thinking I could develop a space which could be a 'street art' gallery or performance space - I like the idea of moving past action and catching glimpses of it but never needing to stop to appreciate it, effectively there would be 2 works as the space itself would act like an interactive installation.

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