Saturday 22 January 2011

Ceal Floyer, Lisson Gallery.

The Lisson Gallery is one of my favourite spaces in London, I discovered it when I was doing a project last year. I love the layout and the connection it has with the street environment. The space is great for installations and the current installation by Ceal Floyer is a series of plinths that emit music at intervals. It makes you aware of the space and the music makes it interactive, although i couldn't understand the connection with movement and sound (if there was one). 

'Floyer uses double-takes and shifting points of view to force the viewer to renegotiate their perception of the world.'

The experience of wandering in the space between the plinths had a similarity to the derelict petrol station I am working with.  The vertical geometric shapes made an environment to negotiate through much like a petrol station. 

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