Saturday 23 April 2011

Character + Design Tool.

As I have developed the character I can fully develop a narrative for him as an obsessive man (this is a good way to show my research through him, I can present all sorts of analysis and details abut the site and project, as as it's fragments of a mans workings they don't necessarily need to be all tied together - as the narrative can be the thread that binds them. 

I have chosen the style of an obsessive character as my site analysis was particularly detailed in some areas, take the prediction of visitors - something fundamental to describe the dissolving process in a larger sense. So I can use my research into both routes and visitor numbers to present a detailed fragment of the activist thoughts - thus the project can become graphical and include a layer of more technical information without loosing the delicacy that the structural form has. 

This sheet is all information about visitors, but now I have a narrative about over analysing it fits perfectly. Using pedestrian count results from site over a period of days I was able to extrapolate the data to predict the number of passers by in 24 months, and thus decide that of all total pedestrian passing 4% would enter and experience the installation. Each line represent 100 people. 
Similarly for cars I predicted that 0.2% would enter. The road has a huge volume of traffic, but I need to consider that many of these people are accessing central london, and therefore would not deviate from their planned journey. It is a lot more likely that when in a car you have a planned destination than a pedestrian necessarily would. 

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