Sunday 10 April 2011

Reference - Clare Twomey

Clare Twomey is a ceramic artist who makes large scale ceramic installations.  Images from consciousness/ Conscience, which was in the ceramic biennial in Korea.

This installation of 7000 hollow bone china tiles laid on the floor, forces you to become a participant immediately as you enter you become a part of the work as the floor breaks underfoot. Clare Twomey is described as being like a composer in this piece; she has made the work but it is up to the player in how it is 'played out'.

I love both the idea behind this piece but also the visuals, I am particularly drawn to work which requires interaction and even more so when it is delicate in form and done with such a sense of beauty.

Up until finding this work, a few people had been questioning my work in terms of the physability of my project and how the fallen fragments of shale would have to be collected. I felt this was bringing to much practicality to the project and the essence of this dissolving form which happens without human interaction yet provokes human interaction through its' changing form was being overlooked and almost forgotten by my tutors, to me this is the essence of the project and this angered me.

I had been trying to think about the practicalities of the dissolving/ crumbling form alongside the narrative of the project when I discovered this project, and this has solved my problem. This is beautiful and poetic yet also relatively practical and even more so in the fact that cars will be crushing the fragment (even better if some of them puncture the tyres thinks the activist).  I can now develop the narrative of the floor through time from tarmac to powder which will coat the tyres so that hopefully they leave a trail across the city when they depart.

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