Sunday 24 April 2011

Narrative development

I am developing the narrative through the introduction of characters, I have categorised the types of visitors to the installation. This links back to my initial interest following my thesis in trying to make an environment  which would heighten the experience of the pedestrian in the city. Thus one of the characters/ visitors is inspired by the urban wanderer, I am by no means the first person to project experience through a character - this is how the figure of the urban wanderer developed - he appears in a number of novels; Robinson Crusoe to name just one. 

The wanderer. 

Being an art gallery I needed another figure - those people who want to see the structure. Someone looking for something; this is where the 'seeker' originated from. I then built a further narrative around the seeker. If there were no formal advertising then there needs to be a way people hear about the instalation - yes word of mouth, but something more subtle would be seeing an element of it 'out of place' this fits with the dissolving. I produced this map - which indicates how the project infiltrates into the city and affects it on a wider scale but also acts as a trail for the seeker to follow. 

Drawing this map was a rather challenging exercise. 

The seeker - has planned his journey to be as direct as possible. 

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