Friday 20 May 2011

Experiential images

 The model has achieved it's purpose of providing the experiential images. I have worked into a number of the images but these 3 are my favourite, they give the experience as individual images but it's also interesting to combine different styles of images to tell a story. 

I would like to use my model as a tool to make my final images, almost like a set. I have been thinking about the best way to show the 'real' experience and believe this would be best doen through film. I could use my model and film what it is like to pass through the space with the correct lighting conditions. Te plus side of making a scale model is that I should be able to use a scale remote control car to do this, thus you can experience 'driving' through the space. This would be great if I could get this doen for the show, allowing an interactive piece that reflects the project - with live feed video to guide you through the space, although my tutors reckon there may not be space for this and didn't seem too enthusiastic - I will try though.

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